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3 Generations of Flooring - A Tribute to William Lacey

This evening, February 10, was a celebration for a man who holds a very special place in my heart, as my dear friend William Lacey celebrated his 70th birthday!

William is 2nd generation in the flooring installation industry and started working for his dad in carpet installations at the young age of 12.

I met Lacey when I first started Parker’s Direct Flooring in 2004, and he became the first installer to be part of my team… after years of working together and hundreds of jobs later… William Lacey became a dear friend and trusted mentor.

Simply said, William Lacey is a LEGEND in the flooring business. Myself, and so many others, are stronger and better because of how he took us on as students.

Now, William’s son, Eric (on left) is installing for our team. Eric and I both share his father’s teachings, and we also both share that we are third-generation in the flooring business.

Eric and I hope to carry on our family's legacies in the flooring industry for many years to come!

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